We're here to help you help your clients
When your clients have questions about quitting, we want to arm you with answers. More importantly, we want your clients to know what the next step is to succeed. That's why we provide periodic training webinars where we delve into topics like the process of referring your client successfully, or what happens behind the scenes at Smokers' Helpline, or just what to expect from a call or an online interaction. We also provide downloads and printed materials to help your clients and colleagues understand what we offer and how we offer it.
To keep updated on all of our upcoming events and new Smokers' Helpline offerings, initiatives and promotions, we offer a newsletter for healthcare and other partners. Sign up today!
Smokers' Helpline 101: Helping your clients quit
Webinar, April 2019
Duration: 19m38s
Smokers' Helpline: Quit support for First Nations, Inuit & Métis communities
Duration: 1m48s
Téléassistance pour fumeurs 101: Une introduction aux services
Webinar, October 2018
Duration: 25m52s
Smokers' Helpline: In our clients' words
Duration: 30s
Connecting the dots: Behind the scenes of SHL's referral program
Webinar, October 2018
Duration: 1h01m39s
Smokers' Helpline: Ready to quit, now what?
Duration: 42s